Клара Освальд. Неужели кто-то серьёзно может утверждать, что она слишком ненастоящий, картонный персонаж, про которого мы ничего не знаем и обычной жизни которого уделяется мало внимания? (Ну, я не помню дословно претензии к ней, но как-то так). Так вот, я тащу с тумблера/тамблера/неважно-как-его-назвать ответ на всё это:
читать дальшеThings we know about Clara apart from her life with the Doctor:
•born in 1989, in Lancaster to Ellie and Dave Oswald (I could go on and on about how her parents have so much backstory too but let’s get to the point).
•As a girl, is happy, contented and perfectly normal. Doesn’t believe in destiny, thinks it’s ‘rubbish.’
•Outgoing and friendly - it’s implied she talks to strangers a lot and her mum has already told her off for this. Implied she is chatty and talkative but doesn’t follow rules very well.
•Loses things a lot - her pencil, her bag, her grandmother. Possibly is implied she is a bit absent-minded or scatterbrained.
•She used to be terrified of getting lost, having nightmares about it.
•When she was six years old, she gets lost at Blackpool Beach on a Bank Holiday Monday. Luckily Ellie found her. They went back home, had fish and chips and read stories.
•She’s very intelligent. She is able to understand, after talking to him for less than a minute that the doctor is lonely. She’s also shown to be very empathetic, particularly towards the Doctor.
•At some point before Clara turned 16, the Oswalds moved to London.
•We know that when Clara is 16, on the 5th March 2005, her mother, Ellie, dies of unknown causes, (though the date could imply she died as a result of the Auton attacks in series 1).
•Clara has been to University, studying literature, that she has her degree but isn’t taking it anywhere.
•Clara is about to travel, going to all the places in her mother’s book and is staying at the Maitland’s house (family friends) and when their mother dies, she becomes a nanny full time, looking after the children of the family, Angie and Artie.
•She doesn’t believe in ghosts.
•She’s a bookworm and enjoyed ‘Summer Falls’ by Amelia Williams, which made her cry. Her favourite chapter is chapter 11.
•We also know that Clara is terrible with computers, despite her intelligence (before she gets hacked by the Great Intelligence).
•She gets scared. A lot. But tends to hide her emotions from the doctor because she’s eager to impress and eager to prove herself as a competent heroine.
•She’s in love with the doctor, but realises that it’s dangerous for her to be and so doesn’t dwell on it.
•Her go-to Karaoke song is ‘Hungry like the Wolf’ by Duran Duran.
•She thinks whiskey is disgusting.
•She really REALLY likes tea.
•She likes to cook/bake, specifically souffles, specifically her mother’s recipe.
•She likes the Lake District.
Okay I won’t be going through the entirety of season 7 but really that’s a hell of a lot of backstory for a companion, mostly in the first two episodes. I would say we know Clara quite well.
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